Jaipur: A program was organized on ‘Veer Bal Diwas’ at BJP headquarters. Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma began his handle with the phrases ‘Wahe Guru’s Khalsa, Waheguru’s Fateh’. CM Bhajanlal Sharma mentioned that at this time all of us gathered right here on the auspicious event of Veer Bal Diwas. Sahibzadas devoted themselves to the motherland. I bow. Who sacrificed all the things for faith, tradition and nation. The sacrifice of Baba Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh ji is incomparable. On this event, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma made an enormous announcement and mentioned {that a} hostel can be constructed within the capital Jaipur within the identify of Sahibzadas.
In this system, Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma expressed his gratitude to everybody and paid tribute to the Sahibzadas and remembered them. CM Bhajanlal Sharma mentioned that his sacrifice reminds us of the bravery story. Sahibzadon Baba Zorawar Singh, son of Sikh Guru Gobind Singh Ji, ‘The sacrifice of Baba Fateh Singh Ji is incomparable. Today’s younger era also needs to study from Sikhism. I’m proud to have gotten the chance to be amongst you all.
Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma mentioned that Guru Gobind Singh’s thought was for the safety and welfare of the motherland. Sahibzadas sacrificed their lives for the nation. Martyrdom, not age, tells us to comply with the trail of fact. Rather, braveness is required. I additionally pay my respects to Mata Gujri. He taught such sons to guard the nation. BJP has at all times revered Sikh faith and their heritage. PM Modi had introduced to have fun Veer Bal Diwas. Imbibe the beliefs of Sahibzadas. Let us all bow right down to him collectively. Make the reminiscence everlasting. Work to take our nation ahead.