In an unlucky incident, a 16-year-old JEE aspirant allegedly hanged himself at his grandparents’ home in Rajasthan’s Kota. The case comes lower than 48 hours after one other aspirant from Odisha killed himself in his hostel room, police mentioned on Saturday.
This is the fourth case of suicide this yr within the metropolis well-known for its teaching centres. Regarding the incident, the officers mentioned that no suicide be aware was recovered from the room. The incident occurred within the Jawahar Nagar space on the intervening night time of Friday and Saturday.
As per the police, a Class 12 pupil Manan Jain belonged to Indergarh city in Bundi district. He had been dwelling along with his maternal grandparents to organize for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for the previous three years. Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Jawahar Singh mentioned that Police obtained details about the incident round 9.15 am on Saturday and despatched the physique for a autopsy.
The officer added that Manan had studied along with his cousin till midnight on Friday. After he didn’t reply to calls the next morning, his cousin peaked into the room and located him hanging from the iron railing of the room’s window.
The cause for the suicide is but to be ascertained as there was no suicide be aware recovered from the room. The ASI added Manan’s household refused to have a postmortem however selected to donate his eyes earlier than taking possession of the physique.
Four aspirants died in 18 days
Earlier on January 16, Abhijeet Giri, an aspirant from Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district, hanged himself on a ceiling fan in his hostel room in Ambedkar colony within the Vigyan Nagar space. His physique was handed over to his household after autopsy. Prior to that, a 20-year-old JEE aspirant, Abhishek, allegedly died by hanging himself from a ceiling fan in his PG room on January 8.
He belonged to Madhya Pradesh and had been getting ready for the JEE at a training institute since May 2024. Similarly, on January 7, one other JEE aspirant from Haryana, Neeraj, hanged himself from the hook of a ceiling fan in his hostel room.
(With PTI Inputs)