Boondi: On Saturday night time, thieves dedicated a theft in an empty home within the Sadar police station space of the town. The thieves ran away with gold and silver jewelry value Rs 30 lakh and money value Rs 4 lakh. During the incident, the sufferer’s household had gone out for some private work and had given the keys of the home to the neighbor. The neighbor knowledgeable the sufferer concerning the damaged locks and the incident. The sufferer lodged a report of theft in Sadar police station on Sunday.
ASI Gyanendra Singh of Sadar police station mentioned that Sarvjit Rangwani, who lives in Maruti Colony of the police station space, had gone out along with his household for some work on Saturday. He locked the home and gave the keys to his neighbor. Meanwhile, at 11 pm on Saturday, his neighbor knowledgeable him on cellular concerning the locks of the home being damaged and the theft. When the sufferer’s household reached the spot, they discovered the locks of the home damaged and the objects stored contained in the rooms had been discovered scattered.
Read: Theft in a jeweler’s store in Alwar, a gang of 5 individuals escaped with a gold chain value 5 lakhs – Theft in Alwar
The miscreants took away gold and silver jewelry from the cabinet and different locations. Diamond ring, pendant, bracelet, chain and different objects had been discovered lacking from the cabinet. The miscreants fled with jewelry value about 30 lakh rupees and money value 4 lakh rupees. The sufferer lodged a grievance of theft in Sadar police station on Sunday. Sadar police station has registered a case and began investigation. Police is busy in scanning the CCTV footage.