A video of Banar police station space of Jodhpur district of Rajasthan goes viral on social media. In which an previous man is seen assaulting some ladies. According to the knowledge, the entire matter is expounded to a household property dispute. In the video, it’s being mentioned that the father-in-law of the previous lady is assaulting. Along with this, one other video has surfaced. In which the lady is seen beating the previous man. The lady is alleged to be the granddaughter of the previous man. A report of home violence and assault has been lodged by the girl in Banar police station space.
The lady complained to the police saying that she and her daughter had been at risk to their lives from her in-laws. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law beat her day-after-day. The lady mentioned within the grievance that on Thursday morning, twenty third, they abused me and beat me and my daughter with a stick. Due to which we obtained damage in lots of locations.
Father-in-law beats daughter-in-law with a stick
The entire matter is expounded to property dispute. For the final 25 years, a case relating to property between mother-in-law, father-in-law and daughter-in-law is into consideration within the courtroom. They reside upstairs and downstairs in the identical home. There is a struggle between the 2 day-after-day. According to the CCTV footage, the incident is alleged to have taken place on Thursday morning. Due to property dispute and mutual disagreement, the father-in-law beat the daughter-in-law and granddaughter with a stick. After this, the granddaughter can also be seen beating the grandfather in a CCTV.
Dispute over property
In the identical case, Banar police station officer mentioned {that a} lady has filed a report relating to a struggle between members of the identical household as a consequence of a property dispute. There is a dispute occurring between mother-in-law, father-in-law and daughter-in-law relating to property. We are investigating the matter and CCTV footage can also be being examined. According to the police, they’ve come throughout just one CCTV, through which an previous lady is seen being overwhelmed. There isn’t any details about the CCTV footage of the previous man being overwhelmed. The previous man has not given any form of report.