Jodhpur: Police reached Jodhpur with Ghulamuddin, the primary accused within the Anita Chaudhary homicide case. Under the management of ADCP Nishant Bhardwaj, a group of twenty-two officers and troopers reached Jodhpur. Starting from Police Station Officer Dilip Singh, your complete police station group was investigating each facet. The largest success was to find the taxi driver by way of CCTV. Success additionally contains connecting the hyperlinks by interrogating Abida. The investigation was happening below the path of ACP Chhavi Sharma.
DCP Rajarshi Raj Verma had made Sardarpura police station his camp workplace. Police Commissioner Rajendra Singh himself stored monitoring each facet repeatedly.
Even after dealing with varied forms of allegations, Jodhpur Police was not deterred. Along with the investigation, every course of continued as per the prescribed process. After lastly being arrested from Mumbai, Jodhpur Police heaved a sigh of aid.
Information is being obtained from dependable sources. Under the management of ADCP Nishant Bhardwaj, a group of twenty-two officers and troopers reached Jodhpur. The interrogation began inside a police station in Jodhpur. For now, the media was evaded the interrogation course of. The largest precedence for the police is to carry out every facet of your complete case.
Senior law enforcement officials are interrogating Ghulamuddin from each facet. During interrogation, Ghulamuddin has admitted to murdering Anita Chaudhary. Other accused could also be revealed after interrogating Ghulamuddin. Whoever’s identify comes up might be arrested. If there’s direct involvement within the case, arrest might be made. Many folks associated to the case could also be arrested.