Sourcing Policy

Effective Date: August 20, 2024

At, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, credible, and well-researched news content. Our Sourcing Policy outlines the principles and practices we follow when sourcing news articles and information, ensuring transparency and integrity in our content curation process.

1. Commitment to Credibility

We prioritize sourcing news from reputable and reliable websites, publications, and authors. Our aim is to provide content that reflects validated information from sources known for their integrity and journalistic standards.

2. Diversity of Sources

To offer a comprehensive perspective on news topics, we gather information from a diverse range of sources. We recognize the importance of including various viewpoints and insights, ensuring that our coverage is balanced and inclusive.

3. Proper Attribution

All content aggregated on our site will include appropriate attribution. We link back to the original article from which the information is sourced, providing credit to the authors and publishers. This practice allows our readers to access the complete context of the news and supports the original content creators.

4. Fact-Checking

While we source content from other publications, we encourage our team to verify critical facts and claims where possible. We strive to filter information for accuracy and avoid sharing unverified or misleading information.

5. Transparency in Sourcing

We are transparent about our sourcing practices. For each article we publish, we provide clear citations and links to the original sources, ensuring that our readers can verify the information and explore the full content.

6. Respect for Copyright

We adhere to copyright laws and respect the intellectual property rights of other creators. While we may use excerpts and snippets from original articles, we do so in accordance with fair use principles and provide proper attribution.

7. User-Generated Content

If our readers contribute content, such as comments or submissions, we ensure that we have the rights to use and publish that content. User-generated content may also be tagged to recognize the contributor’s efforts.

8. Ongoing Review and Improvement

We regularly review our sourcing practices to adapt to changes in the media landscape and uphold best practices in journalism. We are committed to continuous improvement in our sourcing policy to align with the evolving standards of credible reporting.

9. Feedback on Sourcing Practices

We welcome feedback from our readers regarding our sourcing methods and content. If you have concerns or suggestions about the sources we use or the information we provide, please contact us at


At, we take sourcing seriously, understanding its critical role in maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of our content. By adhering to this Sourcing Policy, we aim to provide our readers with the highest standards of news aggregation.